
Components Scout is the place to be for the techies and nerds among road bike enthusiasts.

You have certain ideas and requirements for a particular component and do not know which model from which manufacturer is the right one for your project?

In the Catalog of Components Scout you will find current road bike, gravel and CX components, filterable and sortable by type, size, weight, material and many other important parameters!

This project was realized in the summer of 2023.

On Components Scout you can find and compare tires, wheelsets and cassettes (in October 2023).

No. Components Scout contains still available as well as recently discontinued components.

This catalog is regularly expanded to include newly released products and products that will be available in the future.

Classic and vintage components cannot be listed with reliable information due to lack of publicly available data.

The scope of this page is worked on regularly. I can not guarantee for daily updated information, but I try to keep the page as up to date as possible.

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Clincher (Non-TLR)

Clincher tires are the most commonly used road bike tires. In this system, the tube and tire are separate parts They are available with wired or foldable carcass. Last called are lighter and easier to transport.

  • Advantages:
    Comparatively cheap, Spare parts can be found on every corner
  • Disadvantages:
    This system is heaviest alternative, slightly higher rolling resistance, vulnerable to punctures.


Tubeless-Tires (TLR)

Tubeless tires are similar to clincher tires, but have no tubes. This system is filled with special sealing liquid, which seals holes.

  • Advantages:
    Low rolling resistance, increased puncture resistance due to self-sealing of small holes, lower tire pressure possible for better traction and comfort.
  • Disadvantages:
    Initial assembly is associated with higher costs because of more cost expensive tubeless ready tires (TLR), screw valves, tire sealent milk and special tools such as an air compressor or air pump with tire booster.


Tubular Tires

Tubular tires consist of a tire carcass sewn around a tube. They must be glued to special rims. This system is mainly used in professional teams and rarely in amateur sports.

  • Advantages:
    Light weight, low rolling resistance, better traction and handling characteristics in curves.
  • Disadvantages:
    Complex assembly, higher cost, difficulty repairing on the road.

TPI stands for “Threads Per Inch” and is an important indicator that influences the quality and performance of road bike tires. It refers to the number of fabric threads (carcass threads) arranged in one inch (25.4 mm) of the tire material.

The higher the TPI number, the finer and denser the fabric threads used to make the tire carcass. TPI affects several aspects of tire performance, including:

    • Rolling resistance:
      Tires with a higher TPI number tend to have lower rolling resistance. This means that they roll more easily and require less energy to propel them. This is especially important for road bikes, as low rolling resistance can lead to faster riding.
    • Comfort:
      Tires with a higher TPI number are usually more flexible and therefore they provide more comfort when driving. They absorb bumps in the road better and provide a more comfortable ride, especially on poorer road surfaces.
    • Grip and traction:
      Tires with higher TPI can provide better traction on the road, as they adapt better to the surface and provide more grip.


The external rim width on a road wheelset indicates how wide the rim is measured from the outside.

This information is important because it has a direct influence on the choice of tires and the aerodynamics of the wheel. Here is some important information about it:

  • Wider rims can usually accommodate wider tires, while narrower rims tend to require narrower tires. It is important to ensure that the tires and rims are a good match for optimum performance and safety.
  • Rim width can also affect the aerodynamic properties of the wheel. Wider rims can provide some aerodynamic advantage by improving the transition between tire and rim and smoothing the airflow. This can help reduce drag and increase driving speed, especially at higher speeds.
  • Logically, wider rims are also somewhat heavier than comparable narrow rims due to the higher material input.
  • Wider rims can make the wheel more stable, especially in crosswinds or when cornering. They can help improve the handling of the wheel and increase driving stability.

The inner rim width or the width of the rim bed is an important characteristic of bicycle rims that has a significant impact on the performance and range of use of a road bike.

  • Tire Performance:
    The inner rim width affects how the tire sits on the rim and inflates. Wider rims can better support wider tires and allow for a better tread pattern. This can improve tire handling characteristics and performance. A rim that is too narrow can cause wide tires to take on an unflattering, pear-shaped appearance and have a negative impact on traction and rolling resistance.
  • Aerodynamic:
    The inner rim width can also influence the aerodynamic properties of the wheel. A wider rim can help smooth the transition between tire and rim and improve airflow, which can result in lower drag.
  • Pressure:
    The width of the rim bed can affect the recommended tire pressure. Wider rims often allow lower tire pressures, which can result in a more comfortable ride and better traction. It is important to follow the tire manufacturer’s and rim manufacturer’s recommended tire pressure.

The rim depth of a road bike, also known as the rim profile or rim height, has a significant impact on the overall performance and handling of the bike. Rim height refers to the depth of the rim from the outer edge (where the tire sits) to the inner edge (where the spokes are attached).

Here are the most important aspects of how rim height affects a road bike:

  • Aerodynamics:
    Generally speaking, deeper rims are more aerodynamically efficient. This means that wheels with deep rims create less drag at high speeds and can therefore be faster. Therefore, wheels with high rim profiles are often used in time trial and triathlon races, where aerodynamics are crucial. Road cyclists who focus on speed often prefer lower rims.
  • Weight:
    As a rule, wheels with flat (low) rim profiles are lighter than wheels with high rim profiles. This can have a positive effect on the overall weight of the bike, which is particularly important for uphill rides and climbing stages. Riders who value lightweight construction often prefer flat rims.
  • Crosswind susceptibility:
    Wheels with high rim profiles are more susceptible to crosswinds than those with flat profiles. This can affect handling, especially in strong crosswinds. Drivers may need to be more careful with high rim profiles to maintain stability.
  • Stiffness:
    Wheels with high rim profiles may have higher lateral stiffness, which can result in a more direct and responsive ride. This can be beneficial during sprints and off-road riding.
  • Comfort:
    Wheels with flat rim profiles can offer a certain comfort advantage, as they are usually less hard and can better absorb bumps in the road.

The concept of different rim heights at the front and rear of a road bike is known as “Asymmetric Rim Profile” or “Asymmetric Wheelset”. It involves using rims with different tread depths for the front and rear wheel.

This is usually done to achieve specific advantages and characteristics:

  • Aerodynamics:
    The idea behind an asymmetric rim profile is to optimize the aerodynamic efficiency of the wheel. Typically, the front wheel is fitted with a flatter or less deep rim, while the rear wheel has a deeper rim. The shallower front wheel profile is said to help reduce drag and improve steering stability in crosswinds as airflow slides across the front of the wheel. The deeper rear wheel profile is said to improve aerodynamic performance on straights and at higher speeds.
  • Crosswind:
    A lower profile front wheel, with less tread depth, is generally less susceptible to crosswinds. This improves steering stability and reduces the risk of unexpected steering movements or sideways movement of the front wheel in crosswinds. The combination of a shallower front wheel and a deeper rear wheel in an asymmetric rim profile aims to take advantage of aerodynamics on the rear side of the wheel while minimizing crosswind susceptibility on the front.
  • Weight balance:
    The use of different rim heights can also optimize the weight distribution of the road bike. A flatter front wheel can help shift weight to the rear wheel and thus to the drive, which can be advantageous during acceleration and climbing. The deeper rear wheel can help improve stability on descents and at high speeds.
  • Steering and Handling:
    A shallower front wheel can affect the steering response and maneuverability of the bike by shifting weight to the front wheel. This can help the bike grip better in corners and be more responsive.

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